Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Education is like a family. I mean this by everyone in the education needs a support system, someone they can come and talk to and feel confident that they will make it out alive. I know this because i have a few teachers that i still talk to today, ones that i have brought my problems to before and were able to connect with. Everyone that has a family knows that for as long as you live, you will have someone to fall back on and know no matter what is happening their willing to work with you to remedy a problem. When it comes to being educated, its a safety net to fall back on if your out of the job or your just having problems. It leaves you with something that will always be with you just like a family.

The three things i learned in this course were children at risk, Montessori school curriculum, and how much work it takes to become a good teacher.

The one that stood out to me the most was how hard it is to become an effective teacher. The reason why this stood out to me was because i am not an education major, however i had no idea that being a teacher was more than a lesson plan and a curriculum. I did not know that there were so many aspects that came into play if you are going for your teaching degree. You have to keep learning everyday as well to be able to give your students the education that they deserve, i am walking away from this class with a much higher respect for teachers than when i started.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Social Justice


In this article it speaks of an organization called teachers for social justice. This group lobbies for new ways to help schools after what had happened in Newtown Connecticut, such as hiring for school resource officers as well as more guidance counselors to not only make children feel safe, but give them a way to vent and talk about their problems with a professional counselor. Obama has already put into action a four step plan to help provide more social justice to class rooms to be able to help benefit the students. One part of his plan is to provide more access to mental health services as well. What this does is adds more ways for a child who is having irrational or misunderstood thoughts more outlets to be able to get their problems out.

On this issue i know i stand with more social justice within the classrooms of America. Children need to know that they are at school to help find themselves and flourish into an adult. If they feel they have no where to go with their problems, then more and more children are going to struggle when they just need someone to be able to talk to.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I chose this link on environmental education because it shows just a great breakdown that demonstrates the topics in a simple form. It shows that their is a future in learning this new field, and also a pivotal one. When it comes to the future of our planet and how it is not looking good, i can see why this education should start being instituted into our young children's curriculum. I agree that we need to spread more knowledge at a younger age because it will have a greater effect on the future.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The theorist i chose is Montessori Theory. The reason why i chose this theory is because it really focuses on the teacher knowing what and when to do things. One example Montessori states is that a teacher should never help a student at a task he or she thinks they can succeed. This shows that its pivotal for teachers to know when and when not to congratulate children. The reason why i feel this would not be able to co-exist with Banker theory is because of a quote that stood out to me.

"Projecting an Absolute ignorance on to others the characteristic of an ideology of oppression, negates education and knowledge as a process of inquiry." (Freire)

I feel the montessori theory does not promote ignorance or seclusion due to one's educational status.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Throughout this weeks assignments i was able to see the set backs that public education has sustained due to the fact that every public school has standardized their curriculum throughout America. This is something i would have never noticed if it was not for this class. I am able to see the faults we have educationally throughout the years because were still teaching the same curriculum for who knows how many years. The problem i see with this is that times always change, so shouldn't the lesson plans we are subjecting the children with. If we are prepairing them for an outdated economy, we need to do a better job prepairing them for the economy that is at hand today. I know its hard, and Ted Talks have shown how ever changing the economy is but it is like slamming your head into a wall and not expecting to get hurt. The definition of insanity is "trying the same thing over and over and expecting different result." That is why i feel the public education system is failing us as a nation and also feel that it is insane not to change it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

One of the questions that i had about about the UDL is if the UDL was a nation entity or if it went by state to state. Throughout my research i was able to find that it is in fact a national entity that also has the support on congress, and has their own "task force." This task force helps implement the new rules or regulations into the schooling of every child and was even mentioned at the senate HELP committee meeting.


 I had no idea that this organization was so well established and nationally recognized that it had ties with senate and congress and influenced what changes needed to be made within school systems nationally. I love learning about organizations that you have never heard of, especially when they are doing this as high up as congress and also helping school systems to become a better place for everyone. I have a new found respect for the UDL, and the work they do behind the scenes outside of the lime light.

Monday, March 17, 2014

One thing that i read during my pintrest adventures was that when it comes to promoting a healthy culture in the class room, it is something that is strictly on the teacher. When it comes to teaching in America i know its something that needs to be done because of how diverse of a nation we are. One of the things i really enjoyed about this article was that it really simplified things for me. I am not an education major, however this article made it so i could understand how this is a real problem, and also understand that it is something that i could do. It made me realize the real challenges teachers face behind the scenes. I know when i look at a teacher, all i see is someone who is going to teach me the lesson plan, not someone who is worried about me being comfortable with my history and background in the class. It is a real eye opener to what some of the stresses are for teachers, it boils it down so you can understand there is much more at play than just the teachers lesson plan, but her plan to make every child feel like their important and wanted in class. I know dating back to when we were learning about children at risk, that i did not think that this would have something to do with keeping a diverse positive attitude. It is something that i feel will be able to help keep kids in school if it is properly utilized.

<http://racebridgesforschools.com/wp/?p=2130 >