Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Education is like a family. I mean this by everyone in the education needs a support system, someone they can come and talk to and feel confident that they will make it out alive. I know this because i have a few teachers that i still talk to today, ones that i have brought my problems to before and were able to connect with. Everyone that has a family knows that for as long as you live, you will have someone to fall back on and know no matter what is happening their willing to work with you to remedy a problem. When it comes to being educated, its a safety net to fall back on if your out of the job or your just having problems. It leaves you with something that will always be with you just like a family.

The three things i learned in this course were children at risk, Montessori school curriculum, and how much work it takes to become a good teacher.

The one that stood out to me the most was how hard it is to become an effective teacher. The reason why this stood out to me was because i am not an education major, however i had no idea that being a teacher was more than a lesson plan and a curriculum. I did not know that there were so many aspects that came into play if you are going for your teaching degree. You have to keep learning everyday as well to be able to give your students the education that they deserve, i am walking away from this class with a much higher respect for teachers than when i started.

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