Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Throughout this weeks assignments i was able to see the set backs that public education has sustained due to the fact that every public school has standardized their curriculum throughout America. This is something i would have never noticed if it was not for this class. I am able to see the faults we have educationally throughout the years because were still teaching the same curriculum for who knows how many years. The problem i see with this is that times always change, so shouldn't the lesson plans we are subjecting the children with. If we are prepairing them for an outdated economy, we need to do a better job prepairing them for the economy that is at hand today. I know its hard, and Ted Talks have shown how ever changing the economy is but it is like slamming your head into a wall and not expecting to get hurt. The definition of insanity is "trying the same thing over and over and expecting different result." That is why i feel the public education system is failing us as a nation and also feel that it is insane not to change it.

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