Tuesday, March 25, 2014

One of the questions that i had about about the UDL is if the UDL was a nation entity or if it went by state to state. Throughout my research i was able to find that it is in fact a national entity that also has the support on congress, and has their own "task force." This task force helps implement the new rules or regulations into the schooling of every child and was even mentioned at the senate HELP committee meeting.


 I had no idea that this organization was so well established and nationally recognized that it had ties with senate and congress and influenced what changes needed to be made within school systems nationally. I love learning about organizations that you have never heard of, especially when they are doing this as high up as congress and also helping school systems to become a better place for everyone. I have a new found respect for the UDL, and the work they do behind the scenes outside of the lime light.

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